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Meal| Tsukuba Sky Hotel

283-1, Onozaki, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki, 305-0034




Information on breakfast

Nutrition full score! Daily menu

Breakfast is a daily set meal form. It is a menu considering the balance of nutrition of guests staying. From 6:00 ~ 8:15, it will be served on the first floor restaurant.

Breakfast daily menu

※One case



Dinner information

Dinner will be served from 18:00 ~ 21:00 (LO is 20:30) Monday to Friday. It becomes a set meal on a daily basis.

※ Please note that reservation is required before 16:00 on the day.
※ If you use the training camp, if you are using a group, we will provide dinner on Saturdays and Sundays so please inquire at the time of booking.

Menu Abundant dinner

Guide for morning and evening meal service

​朝食・夕食 2食サービス

A long-awaited bidding plans appeared! If you do not bother to eat out, you can enjoy it slowly in the hall. Recommended for those who do not want to move even one step when you arrive at the hotel.

For details, please contact our staff.

Breakfast / dinner 2 meals service


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